Dreaming Fields Shake Sonora
The WMFA SM Uncanny Manny x Bowens Farm Stella Sue
DOB: 12-15-2021
Show record: 1 x Sr Reserve Champion
Linear Appraisal: 2023 GGVG 84 (FF)
Nora is the style of doe that always catches my eye. She is elegant, dairy, and feminine. She won her first reserve grand champion ribbon as a first freshener. Due to a series of unfortunate circumstances, I did not keep her in milk this year but Iām looking forward to seeing her 3rd freshening udder and getting her back into the show ring in 2025!
Kidding History:
2023 - 1 buckling, 1 doeling
2024 - 1 buckling, 2 doelings
Retained Progeny:
Dreaming Fields Shake Sonora
FF Udder, 12 hour fill
Dreaming Fields Shake Sonora
FF Udder, 12 hour fill